Reiki Level 2 Hands On Energetic Body Healing

Reiki Level 2 Hands On Energetic Body Healing

"Love can Conquer all. In the strength of loving you can find your true power." This is a 1-day from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. for those who have already completed Reiki I and are ready to take the next step to begin practicing Energetic Body Healing® on others or those on an accelerated spiritual path for enhanced self transformation.

Both level I & II most students go through blockages removed from the etheric body with more physical reactions and/or emotional and mental clearing in the chakras and hara line for better flow of energy. The Reiki Level II attunement allows you the use of keys or symbols to intensify the healing energy as you draw on the divine power it represents. Symbols are manifestations of the energy of the Universe and an ancient key for unlocking the mysteries of the spiritual world. Students shall preform techniques for Mental Emotional Healing, St. Michael's Sword Technique (cutting the cords) and hands on therapies to practice each of the 3 symbols.

All students will give and receive a 45-minute Reiki hands on therapy effectively demonstrating techniques and hand placements using the 3 symbols. The cost of this class is $75.00, which will include a 44-page book that contains instructions of all learning objectives including the symbols with a detailed description of each and how to incorporate them in your therapy sessions as well as self-care. A Reiki Level II attunement and a certificate for Level II Usui-Tibetan System of Natural Healing after passing a test on the 3 symbols. Private training is offered. The cost for personal one on one training is $325. and offered on week days only. NCBTMB approved Continuing Education Hours = 8

Class Details

Class Date 06-21-2024 9:00 am
Class End Date 06-21-2024 6:00 pm
Capacity 12
Individual Price $275.00
Location Holiday Inn Appleton